Odor Map
c-fos glomerular activation patterns for H-2k male mouse urine odor (concentration-dependent)
BALB/C (H-2d)
12 to 20 weeks
Main olfactory bulb
Glomerular layer
0.8%, 2%, 4%, 10%, 20%, 40% v/v of urine
30 minutes
3 min at 5 min intervals
Concentration dependence of c-fos glomerular activity for H-2k male urine odor in the main olfactory bulbs of H-2d female mice. A-F, Color contour maps of the average evoked glomerular activity at different urine concentrations. A, 0.8% v/v (% volume of urine/volume of 20 mM HEPES, pH 7) (n = 2). B, 2% v/v (n = 4). C, 4% v/v (n = 4). D, 10% v/v (n = 4). E, 20% v/v (n = 4). F, 40% v/v (n = 3). Color bar shows the color code for the density of active glomeruli. G, H, Analysis of the mean number of positive glomeruli at each urine concentration. G, Total number of positive glomeruli per olfactory bulb. *p < 0.05 versus fresh air. H, Quadrant analysis of the number of positive glomeruli. RD, Rostrodorsal (375-1125 µm, 45 to 45°); RL, rostrolateral (375-1125 µm, 45-135°); RV, rostroventral (375-1125 µm, 135-225°); RM, rostromedial (375-1125 µm, 225-315°); CD, caudodorsal (1125-1875 µm, 45 to 45°); CL, caudolateral (1125-1875 µm, 45-135°); CV, caudoventral (1125-1875 µm, 135-225°); CM, caudomedial (1125-1875 µm, 225-315°). Error bars plotted in one direction to avoid overlap represent SEM.
Michele L. Schaefer, David A. Young, and Diego Restrepo
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Other categories referring to c-fos glomerular activation patterns for H-2k male mouse urine odor (concentration-dependent)
Revisions: 2
Last Time: 3/16/2005 4:59:46 PM
Reviewer: Nian Liu
Owner: Nian Liu